80 in stock
If it is the case that the order and products are damaged or incorrect, or something is missing? Let us know. Send an email to info@mirnal-es.de and we will answer your email within 48 hours with a solution.
You can return an unopened product ANY time. As long as it is in our system (less than 30 days) we will refund it. Pay Pal is usually 30 days, sometimes longer. Credit cards as well. Don’t sweat the small stuff! We’ve got your back and know you worked hard for your money! If for some reason it has been over 30 days and we cannot issue a refund we will give you store credit or offer an exchange.
All returns should be sent with the original invoice number, name on the order and address.It is not possible to exchange products. Only packages in the original state can be exchanged, but only when it has not been unpacked and opened. You must make a report within 24 hours via info@mirnal-es.de and return the package within 14 days. Shipping charges are not refundable.
Shipment is always the risk of the sender and this means that Mirnal-es shop is not liable for damaged or lost returns.
If you shipped back a return, send us an email and let us know so we can expect it.
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