Bhringraj ” Eclipta prostrata ” plant coming from India
€5.80 – €15.00
Bhringaraj powder Promotes hair growth , cures baldness and reduces hair fall .
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Benefits Of Bhringaraj powder. Promotes hair growth , cures baldness and reduces hair fall .
Bhringaraj plays a pivotal role in treating and preventing baldness. It effectively increases blood circulation in the scalp and hair follicles, which in turn enriches the roots by bringing in more nutrients through the blood supply and promote hair growth. Thus, it stops hair loss and promotes its growth.
Treats Dandruff And Scalp Itchiness
Various types of dandruff usually occur due to excessive dry scalp, humidity in the air and lack of hygiene and eventually leads to itching and flaking. Bhringaraj powder treats dandruff very effectively.
Stops premature greying of hair
Henna prepared with the leaves of bhringaraj is also helpful in dyeing the hair. Regular use of bhringaraj powder plays a key role in slowing reducing grey hairs and preventing further in the future.
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How to use
How to use
Ways To Use Bhringraj Powder For Hair Growth:
1- Coconut Oil & Bhringraj Powder Hair Oil For Grey Hair:
To make bhringraj powder hair oil, mix 1 tbsp of organic bhringraj powder in 1 cup coconut oil and take it in a thick bottomed pan. Start heating in low flame. Once it starts sizzling, switch off, let cool and strain. This oil is an amazing hair growth oil.
- Bhringraj & Amla Hair Pack For Hair Regrowth:
Take equal quantities of amla powder and bhringraj powder in a bowl. Add yogurt and mix to form a smooth paste. Apply as a hair pack, wait for 2o to 25 minutes before washing it off. This hair pack treats dandruff, strengthens the hair and is also a good remedy for premature greying of the hair.
- Bhringraj & Yemeni Henna to treatment hair loss with a small hair Mixed with Yemeni henna for hair treatment and to get a little henna color. Mixed with Yemeni Sidr and water to treat hair problems.
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Bhringraj ” Eclipta prostrata ” plant coming from India
€5.80 – €15.00